What a timely post. I set aside a book this morning that just was not doing it for me. I used to think I had to finish every book I started but no longer! It is freeing to know I can walk away from something that is not enjoyable and find better uses for my time.

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I restacked my favorite quote, "We must definitely do a better job marking and celebrating our progress, not just the big reward."

And hells yeah to quitting books, movies, series, whatever entertainment that no longer captivates our time. Once, I stopped reading halfway through a book. 😂😭 It happens.

But I've heard this explained via Seth Godin about how we sink so much time into a project or whatever that to our minds it makes more sense to finish it or see it through, like a relationship we're no longer happy in. Yup, it's a toughie, when to stick it through or walk away.

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Thank you for this. I think the number of things we start and don’t finish makes the victory sweeter for the things we do finish.

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Not only was I taught to finish everything I started, but I also taught others to do that … At mid-life, I realized that “perseverance” is an over used and over praised word.

BTW, these days I am quitting more books than finishing lol.

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Apr 21Liked by Lou Blaser

A great reminder to be intentional about how we spend our most precious resource of time. Thank you!

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Apr 27Liked by Lou Blaser

I agree with Matthews sentiments, and at this stage (51), I've finally decided to shed that company that's kept me away from my dear Bride (always traveling), get hired by a company to stay closer to home with less travel (and more $), pursue that Master's degree, finish some projects (not all), and make more time to be with the love of my life...

"It's never too late to be what you might have been." - George Elliott

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You're so right. It's tough to know when you should quit vs. carrying on, especially with the big stuff.

Thing is, if I actually take the time to think it through I typically make a decision I'm happy with. The key is to think it through.

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