Lou, I feel this in my soul. As a fellow introvert, the idea of 'mischief' feels like it needs a rebrand. It's not about being loud or breaking rules; it's about those quiet rebellions against the mundane. Like you, I'm not about to crash a karaoke party, but give me a good book, a cozy nook, and the audacity to ignore my to-do list for an afternoon, and that's my kind of delightful disobedience. Maybe mischief for us is about reclaiming our time and attention, and reveling in the simple joys that often get sidelined by 'adulting.'

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I love that phrase "delightful disobedience"! You and I are definitely in sync with this. Cheers, Alex!

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Lou, I turned 70 this year and am an introvert. To celebrate turning 70 I decided to travel somewhere I’d never been and none of my friends have ever been! Three weeks in French Polynesia, staying in B&Bs with local people, swimming, snorkeling, learning new crafts like making leis and jewelry with black pearls. I’m thinking that I’d like to take a long week-end trip at least every other month this year… to some place new, usually within driving distance. Started off my trips with Big Sur in January! Adventure! Would be happy to meet you and others on a road trip.

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Oooh, I love that, Shana. Thanks so much for sharing this with us! You inspire me to think about how I'm going to make this my year of "managed mischief" 😉

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Aging with grace, with mischief, audacity … Whatever you do, just never let yourself go. Live to the fullest, and enjoy with all you might!

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Hear, hear.

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Gotta say, I love where you're going with all this. This time of year often feels kind of "in a rut (ish)". On the one hand, as a fellow introvert, I love sitting in my little perch here bundled up and watching the world go by, but it does start to get old about mid-February. Time to get up to no good?

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February's kinda one of those months where we begin to get tired of whatever the season is, right? Is it spring yet? 😂 It's definitely time to get up to no good, Cathy. If we were living close to each other, I can imagine us dragging each other along.

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May your year be filled with audacious moments and opportunities, Lou! ✨✨✨

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Thank you, Lani! Right back at you!

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I'm with you through all of that in theory, and hopelessly lost in ideas of how to accomplish any of it, as I'm also very introverted. I'll be reading the earlier mentioned book as well, and following your adventures and hoping it leads me to my own! Cheers to 2025! 🎉

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I hear you, Nancy! But it's one of my 2025 "goals" to rekindle that bit of mischief and adventure - my friend yesterday told me, "Awaken your inner Hermione, Lou." Although, it might have to be my inner "Ron" that I need to wake up, LOL. Cheers to 2025 indeed!

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I’m all in for mischief. It’s a great tool for confidence on stage. Writing is a type of stage no? I’ve been rereading a book that I first read in college called “Women Who Run With The Wolves” about the wild woman archetype- you might enjoy it. I am having such a different experience with it in middle age compared to the first time!

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I've not read that book! Thanks so much for recommending it, Jes.

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I like the way you think! (and write too)

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Happy New Year, Lou! I could have been the Ron to your Hermione in college - I never shied away from mischief! Now, I soften it a bit to call it “adventure.” To me, this is trying new things that push out the borders of my comfort zone (even some that don’t make me leave my house!) without the danger that “mischief” might cause.

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Here's to an adventure-filled 2025, Sally! I'm definitely with you on danger-free mischief. 😉

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