Astute observations, but I can't help but wonder, at what point does carrying grief become too long? Is there such a thing?

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Hi Lani - you know, before my conversation with Charlene Lam, I might have said there is such a thing as "too long". But she really helped me put this into perspective. To paraphrase her, there's grieving (feeling sad, lonely) when we think of our loved one... and there's the kind of grieving when we're unable to move forward with our lives. I know someone who's husband passed away some years ago and by her own account, she's still very much in the "unable to move forward" stage. :(

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I know people (including me) who have “moved forward” but who still keep the candle lit in the window so to speak, xo

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You are so right, in that there is grief in every change we experience…

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