Lou- get ready to really freak out -The Breakfast Club is actually 40 this year not 30. I remeber because I was in 8th grade at my friends house for a sleepover and her older brother was in HS and he went with his girlfriend. He said it was only ok. 😂
Great round-up, Lou! The Closer is an all time favorite, as is The Breakfast Club (even though I may have been a bit older than the target audience).
Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson! 😊 Cheers, Daria
Thank you for mentioning me and sharing Sunday reads 😊
Lou- get ready to really freak out -The Breakfast Club is actually 40 this year not 30. I remeber because I was in 8th grade at my friends house for a sleepover and her older brother was in HS and he went with his girlfriend. He said it was only ok. 😂
I was going to ruin Lou’s day with that little date reality check, too! The 1980s SEEM like yesterday to a lot of us but they were 40 years ago…
Oh my goodness! YOU'RE RIGHT!! How is that 40 years ago already?! 😭