I intend to die young at an old age. Taking baby steps with exercise and nutrition I totally turned my health around and now at 68 I am healthier, more active and robust than I was even 20 years ago. Oh...and no meds!!!

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Apr 14Liked by Lou Blaser

This is a great one! So relatable! I read this just as I was leaving my 7:15am Sunday Pilates reformer class. For the record, I would much rather maintain my Pilates and Yoga routines than take meds for the rest of my life 😅

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I don't think willpower is finite, for me it's all attitude, whether I feel like trying/caring. It feels different than willpower. Also, my general feeling of the day which includes enough sleep, the right nutrition, the right positivity. It all ties in together. Thanks for a great topic!

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I'm surprised by your friends' responses, as I'd rather do any and everything than be reliant upon medication for life. And isn't that about doing what's in your control, as opposed to relying upon something else? 🤔 Interesting.

I have heard that theory about willpower depletion but as decision fatigue. But thinking of it as feelings/emotions does make sense, as we often say, "I don't feel like it" when it comes to doing or making yourself do something. Hello, exercise!

And speaking of, I think willpower is like exercise, you can build up to it! 😇

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I have an idea swirling for my piece this week that touches on your topic from a different angle Lou. Stay tuned.

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Lou, this is something I have been thinking about a lot recently as my life is going to change drastically in a couple months. I will have much more time on my hands. What am I going to do with it? Will I put it to good use and start exercising and eating better? I hope so.

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I agree. Willpower is a finite resource. At my age I don't want to waste it on trivial matters such as eating healthy. No matter how much we try - healthy eating, exercise - we can’t extend our lives beyond what is written for us. I believe in enjoying whatever time we have left on this earth. I use my willpower to things that matter more to me, like reading and writing beyond my body allows me.

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