I can relate to your list of priorities in the early days! Funny how when we’re younger our search for meaning comes from the outside but as we age and get wiser we realize that everything we need to be happy is within us. At least that’s the journey I’m on!

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Be a better version of myself. A good goal to have and mine too :).

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Mar 17Liked by Lou Blaser

I love this whole thought process! As I'm leaning into my 60's I find that "forming new grooves" is oh so difficult, but I will stay the course because the bits of change and accomplishment that I am achieving make me so happy!

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Bless you, for the shoutout, Lou. It sounds like you've been doing some soul-searching to shift your thoughts towards 'bettering' versus 'being'. May I build onto your 'bettering' thoughts to add in 'celebrating & sharing those gifts/talents you already have' with others who need them?

Don't forget you already have lots to offer, gifts to give that can be celebrated (in appreciation of what you've already learnt, to use your quote - you've unique individual 'talents that money can’t buy'.

Connecting here and with others, leveraging your talents, you may find that the 'bettering' happens naturally as part of the new journey. I hope you don't mind me adding these thoughts. I always like to remind folks critiquing themselves how cool they already are! If you need a tool to help remind yourself on where and how you got those talents try this: https://www.carermentor.com/p/your-frame-of-reference Big empathetic hugs.

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Enjoyed your article. I’m on the same journey and happy with life. Effort, intention, practice. I choose and act. I am creating the life I want as I get older

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