We’re all getting older.

It's the perfect time to work on being the best versions of ourselves.

Welcome to WAGO, the corner of the internet for midlifers who believe in getting better as we get older. Here, we explore what it takes to keep growing, stay relevant, lead fulfilling lives, and be the kind of people we want to be in midlife and… well, always, really!

“I don’t want to wonder if I have made of my life something particular and real. I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened or full of argument. I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.” — Mary Oliver, poet

Why subscribe?

All subscribers get the Sunday WAGO newsletter, plus:

  • Bi-weekly profiles of midlifers who are continuing to grow and get better

  • A monthly curated list of articles, books, videos, podcasts, et al. to help support who you are becoming.

WAGO is free for everyone to read. But paid subscribers get THE BACKSTAGE pass.

“Why hoard?” is my mantra these days. 😊 Backstage is where I share the tools I use to run my work and life. You’ll get my Notion templates, processes, book notes, and cheat sheets about the lessons I’m learning from starting a new career in midlife.

You can become an annual paid subscriber for the equivalent of ONE hardcover book: $30.

I hope you'll join me, whether you sign up for free or upgrade to a paid subscription. Let’s do this!

“We’re All Getting Older feeds my curiosity, my love of learning, my sense of humor, and because it’s aimed at people in my stage of life, I feel completely understood.”  — Melissa Dinwiddie, CEO, Innovation Catalyst

Who is behind WAGO?

Hi, I’m Lou Blaser!

I used to be a happy corporate ladder climber and thought I’d never want to do anything else. Until one day, I realized I did indeed want to pursue other things. Hah!

Except it took me a while to figure out who I was without my corporate job title. Then another while to figure out who I wanted to be next. Then another little while to embrace the kind of person I wanted to be.

What’s been my guiding light through those years of wandering is my belief that to learn is to grow is to live. That we must continue to grow — regardless of our age, no matter our circumstances, until the day we check out.

I write this newsletter in support of that belief. And help, as much as I can, to keep you growing, too.

Here’s a more formal-sounding bio 😉: Lou Blaser is a former change strategy consultant and IT leader turned writer and podcaster. She writes We’re All Getting Older (previously called Midlife Cues) and hosts Second Breaks, a podcast about midlife transitions. She is the author of “Break Free: The Courage to Reinvent Yourself and Your Career” and is currently working on her next book project about retirement in the 21st century.

Hiya! If you like reading about personal growth in midlife and ideas for growing better as we get older, consider becoming a paid or free subscriber. 

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It's the perfect time to work on being the best versions of ourselves. Let's talk about how to make that happen.


was a happy corporate ladder climber. Now a happy writer at We're All Getting Older, a newsletter about getting better as we get older.