Great list. I’m also too old to keep worrying about the five pounds I’d like to lose…no matter how much I weigh! (I admit I haven’t figured out how to turn that worry off for good.)

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oh my lord, yes! That should have been on my list too 🤗

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A bit too old to appease family simply because they are family.

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I hear you Paula. It's def time we release ourselves from that pressure, isn't it? 🤗

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Yes yes yes!!!

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Thanks for including my comment, Lou!

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Ahhh thank you so much, for recommending my newsletter, Lou! My dad went into hospice care this week. I am too old to keep carrying my shame over shit that went down when I was young and still figuring out how life worked. AMEN. 🙏🏼

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You're so welcome, Marika. And I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. That’s a lot to carry. Sending you strength and peace during this time. And YES—amen to that. No more dragging old shame around. ❤️

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Too old to be right all the time.

Too old to be wrong all the time.

Too old to color my hair.

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Great list, Lou. I realized this weekend that I am too old to host 7-year-old girl's birthday parties. We hosted one in our social room in my apartment building. Eight 7-year-old girls. My son joked that it was a "little girl apocalypse" and he wasn't far off. The volume alone may necessitate hearing aids. Fun, hilarious and LOTS of drama. But as I sat with my husband and their parents, slurping my post apocalypse beer, we all agreed. Next year, we're taking them out somewhere and letting pros handle it.

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Little girl apocalypse! 😂 That is both terrifying and so accurate. I admire your bravery, but yes—next year, let the pros handle the chaos while you sip your ‘I survived’ beverage in peace. You’ve earned it. 🤗

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I am too old to wait to do things till I'm a grown up. Thanks for the prompt!

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Hear hear!

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All of your choices are on my list, with more being added every day. People who ignore homeless people are one of mine: they are so often fascinating to talk to!

I'm 80: I'll develop more as time goes on . . .

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Love this Nancy!

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I'm too old to worry about how I look in a swimsuit.

(Definitely connected to Renee's worry about the 5 lbs , no 15 I'd like to lose, see below.

To worry about how often in a week I eat eggs. (Fortunately no cholesterol problems. Yet?)

To drink non-fat milk.

For TikTok - or social media with bad owners. Substack is enough, although my son wants me to try BlueSky....

Not to say my age when asked.

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Yes, yes, and YES to all of these, Ellen! Especially the swimsuit one—life’s too short to let a piece of fabric have that much power over us. And if you end up on BlueSky, report back, please! I need intel. 😆

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I love this list, cheap wine. Terrible food. friends who can't make the time. Feeling crippled with guilt, (I have spent most of my life feeling guilty for one imaginary thing or another). A makeup ritual that takes longer than 10 mins.

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Love your list too, Caroline! And that feeling guilty - I can so relate!

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Great list! Mine would include staying up late AND drinking too much wine. One or the other but not both

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Too old to worry - period.

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In my list:

- miniskirts & crop tops

- clothes that do not fit me anymore (for years in a row): no more "dream weight outfits!"

- crowded spaces in general

- BS... though, I think I do not tolerate this even when I was young...

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Hooray LC! I laughed when I read "dream weight outfits" I think we all had (have?!?) those! 😂

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Hear, hear!!

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Yes, being too old for these things is a beautiful thing! We should all make our own list.

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Totally! I'd love to see your list Sandra!

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