Great piece, Lou! I know that my attachment to knowing the 'how' not only came from my career but also being a mom. It does take patience to release that habit and learn to sit more comfortably in the unknown. It can be hugely liberating!! Thanks for sharing your journey.

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I'm not a mother, but I can imagine that knowing the "how" comes with the responsibility of being a mom. I can only suspect that as kids leave the nest, this is another thing that can be released. Thank you for this angle, Bridget.

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Sometimes easier said than done! Hahahaha.

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I'm listening to The White Winds now...

Also, the HOWs are a toughie because you need to have some idea as you dive in. For example, you may not know the end result, etc, etc, but sometimes without knowing how to start, or keep going, we end up nowhere!

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I think you and I are basically suffering from the same "curse of the HOWs", as referred to by that Mike Dooley of Infinite Possibilities 😂

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Sending you SO much love and BIG hugs, Lou! I know it's not easy, trusting the Universe to supply the how's. Honestly, I still catch myself trying to fixate on them. All we can do is work at it. It's like building a muscle. Over time, it gets easier. 😘

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I definitely will keep practicing. Thank you Dawna 🤗.

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How, why, what ... I need to know them all! lol

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I'm totally there with you! (TBH, I have a challenge with "surrendering to the universe") 😂

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This is such an interesting reflection of yours! I can sense a certain feeling of this (know-)HOW desire, too. However, while reading your post, I could not ignore the tingle in my head bubbling up with the word "Why?". And now I wonder WHY this comes up.

Is it from an early conditioning to justify any opinion or need that diverted from the general one in my family?

Is it from my own consulting experiences and the need to understand the why before even attempting the how?

Or is it my intrinsic curiosity to UNDERSTAND things on a deeper level?

I don't know. I just wonder why :D

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Hmmm... these unanswered (unanswerable?) questions! 😊 I think our training kicks in - what, why, how, when, who... don't we need to know all these before doing something?!? Aargh! 😂

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YES. We need to be in control since we have experienced too many times that if even we are not in control, nobody is 😂 This is also a bit arrogant to think, but rather safety thinking than actually wanting to come across as superior.

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